Thursday, May 12, 2011

Hansel and Gretel

Our project for "Inspiration for art" class and we had to choose between Hansel & Gretel, Jack and the beanstalk, or Rumpelstiltskin. I decided to go with "Hansel and Gretel"and make a twist with it and give it a more environment conscious feel. These children must venture out into their polluted world and retrieve a pure source, be it an inkling of what their world used to be luscious and filled with life. It is a rite of passage that everyone goes through, this energy force was what once filled in all of the trees and flowers, but due to unknown circumstances, this pure force has slowly left them and it is filled with pollution. Unknowingly there is a corporate head that had retrieve all of these forces and place them away to help pump the pollution back into their world, in the name of "bettering" the world.

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