Monday, August 26, 2013

Zoo Sketches

Went to the Zoo with a friend to do some drawings~ I forgot how much I miss doing this~ so whatever short time we were there, we enjoy the weather and drew some animals and just enjoying the animals there, right up until they closed at 4pm, so a good use of 3 hours or so. Work/family/ and other shenanigans have been so stressful so it was nice to just....RECHARGE the previous week I got off.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Sketch Dumps

More sketch dumping and requests~ I feel like I've been neglecting this blog :T or forgot about it.

Star Trek Fanart dump

I've been in a Star trek rut lately and I've been doing a lot of fanart for it ....well mostly Bones and Jim OTL; And I managed to create my first gif, it was a lot of fun :D

Witch Thumbnails

Some re-designing thumbnails for my Witch project.


Some stuff I've tested/work with, more like art tests/samples. First batch is to quickly do 6 characters with 3 emotions variety very quickly and I think in a bout an hour or so. The 2 pictures below was a test to create a pet for the Pocketz world.