Monday, August 26, 2013

Zoo Sketches

Went to the Zoo with a friend to do some drawings~ I forgot how much I miss doing this~ so whatever short time we were there, we enjoy the weather and drew some animals and just enjoying the animals there, right up until they closed at 4pm, so a good use of 3 hours or so. Work/family/ and other shenanigans have been so stressful so it was nice to just....RECHARGE the previous week I got off.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Sketch Dumps

More sketch dumping and requests~ I feel like I've been neglecting this blog :T or forgot about it.

Star Trek Fanart dump

I've been in a Star trek rut lately and I've been doing a lot of fanart for it ....well mostly Bones and Jim OTL; And I managed to create my first gif, it was a lot of fun :D

Witch Thumbnails

Some re-designing thumbnails for my Witch project.


Some stuff I've tested/work with, more like art tests/samples. First batch is to quickly do 6 characters with 3 emotions variety very quickly and I think in a bout an hour or so. The 2 pictures below was a test to create a pet for the Pocketz world.

Monday, May 20, 2013


SO. I UH…APPARENTLY forgot to upload these way back then….cause i was hunting around if I had these up, cause I wanted to check something. APPARENTLY I never finish editing these, as in place it in a gray bg etc etc. whatevs. Obv.if I have time I want to redo this cause yick 8U; it was what..2011? yea…2 years ago. Though I learn a lot from this class, it was fun and painful all in one xD. This class was like…MANUAL PHOTOSHOP VIA TRACING PAPER LAYERS. So much…tape…and layers…EVERYTHING was..on an individual piece of paper… Also…wonky style kicks my ass…I can’t pull that off 8U; But willing to work/try  harder...